
Thank You To My Young, Introverted Self

 By Christine Raniets | + View on LinkedIn

Learn how my childhood introversion shaped my creativity, leading to a fulfilling career helping others tell their stories. 

I want to thank my young, introverted self.

This six-year-old introvert remains a part of me – the quiet observer who finds happiness in deep thought, meaningful connections, and expressing herself through art and stories.

Behind this toothy grin and those beautiful braids was a scared girl. Raising my hand in class often felt impossible. I dreaded being wrong or singled out. If the teacher called on me unexpectedly, panic would set in. The pressure would make my mind blank. The class would laugh, leaving me feeling stupid. Adding to it, I was one of the tallest girls. I longed to shrink, to disappear, to take up less space. Thankfully, my height usually banished me to the back row, offering me some safety.

Those fears, however, shaped me in other ways. I crushed those boring book report assignments and created elaborate dioramas to support my writing. A simple "Let's Celebrate Spring" art assignment became a 3D collage that was prominently displayed at parent-teacher conferences. All eyes were on my artwork.

I was fortunate to have had a close-knit group of friends. We'd lose ourselves for hours in imaginative play with our Star Wars figures, Matchbox cars, and Barbies. Even when I was alone, I was never lonely. I had my imagination, markers, scissors, glue, and my Princess Leia figure. 

I have warm memories of connecting with my family through everyday moments. I loved listening to my mother’s stories of her childhood in Cuba while helping her cook. I was highly skilled in smashing tostones with a plate. With my grandfather, our shared silence spoke volumes. He was an introvert, just like me. We watched boxing together on his small B&W TV, and we would get fired up by the action. Even though we didn't speak much, I will always thank him for expanding my Spanish curse word vocabulary.

All these experiences have transformed into strengths that define my current work. I help my clients tell their stories with visual and verbal solutions, connecting them with audiences, unlocking new business opportunities, and finding joy. It is a privilege to work with them on their journey of self-discovery.

So, I thank my young, introverted self. I found my way.

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